The science of animal chiropractic is based upon using spinal manipulation to help restore a full and pain free motion to joints. It includes procedures where hands are used to mobilize, adjust, stimulate or otherwise influence the spinal and paraspinal tissues with the aim of restoring or maintaining the patient’s health. I want it understood that I am not “moving bones back in place” with an adjustment.
With skilled palpation and motioning of vertebral segments, areas of dysfunction are identified. If there is not a serious underlying condition or exam finding where more diagnostics maybe needed, an adjustment is made to begin restoring normal motion between the articular facets of the vertebrae.
There are more receptors for the nervous system along the spinal column than anywhere within the body’s neuro-axis. A chiropractic adjustment is a powerful method to integrate the Central Nervous System (CNS) and maintain nerve health which is responsible for essentially communicating with the entire body.
To help illustrate this idea, think of a joint in the distal limb of a dog. What stabilizes a joint? The muscles, tendons and ligaments across a joint provide stability. What gives these muscles and tendons its strength and tell them what to do? That would be the nerve that innervates the muscle or tendon. If there is a weak signal to begin with coming from the spinal segment the peripheral nerve comes from, then of course the muscles and tendons innervated by that nerve will not be as strong and healthy as possible.
Essentially, once again, my desire is to get to the root of the problem and not to get tunnel vision looking at the clinical signs. Not only can chiropractic aid in recovering from musculoskeletal and medical issues but can also help prevent injuries from occurring in the first place.